Zotrim Blog – My Diet Diary

Posts Tagged ‘diet diary

Hello my friends,

I can’t believe it…another 2 days and another pound lost!

I continue to take my Zotrim pills everyday. I’m at 2 pills before each meal for the moment as per the instructions. The notice says to up the amount to 3 pills before each meal 2 weeks into the regime, so next week I will really get the normal dose.

Yesterday night I went to a steak house with a few friends and I got baby back ribs with a salad, dressing on the side…so it’s kind of half-good and half-bad. I’ve been very good the last days so I felt I deserved it 100%

No side effects to report yet. Only a slight headache today but it could be related to something else than the diet pills.

In the past, I did a lot of fad diets. In fact, I don’t think there was ever a diet that I did not try at one point or another.

Before puberty, I was quite a sporty girl but for medical reasons with my bad knee, I had to stop. Since then I have always been overweight and I reached the breaking point of 60 pounds over my normal weight not long ago.

I decided to change my life because I can stand the physical strain, the pain and the depression anymore.

The problem is not the way you lose weight because every method works for a certain period of time. Maintaining your weight once you’re at your goal weight…this is where the real challenge is!

There is no mystery or secret recipe….it’s a combination of sport and nutrition and this is something I will need to keep for the rest of my life…

By looking at the pictures of every products I’ve tried in the past, I realize the money pit diet product can be. It’s easy to convince an overweight person to buy a product when you promise quick results and instant miracle.

I've tried this...

I’ve tried this…

...and this as well

…and this as well

But now I want more than this BS. I’m a food lover and a good person but I snack way too much. Everthing is in excess with me. The worst thing is… I know everything there is to know about good nutrition! I could be a dietitian!

I know how to eat healthy meals and calories have no secret for me. But with age I’m getting more and more lucid. I know I will never be thin as a model. I just want to obtain a weight that will make me feel good about myself. Just a normal gal-next-door. Not the fat freak I am now…

So for the 100th time in my life, I will have to begin to lose weight again. Efforts, efforts and some more efforts every day because my body doesn’t forgive excess!

With my diet pill Zotrim, which I chose because it may be the diet pill with the most compeling clinical data on the market actually, is not about taking another miracle pill. I’m using Zotrim has a diet helper. It will allow me to make the good food choices and to diet without being hungry all the time, like most normal diet do.

I first heard about Zotrim in a UK newspaper. In England, Zotrim is sold everywhere in drugstores and at the supermarket. In Canada, we are not that lucky yet so I bought my pills on the Internet. Zotrim has an official website that you can visit to know more about this weight loss product: Zotrim official website

Hello Ladies,

Almost a week now! Wow that went fast!

Guess the good news… I’m a loser! I’m talking about weight of course 🙂

I lost 3 pounds already in 6 days! I’m over the moon.

I know the first days the pounds go down fast and it may be only water loss but still…I’m very impressed by this product. I don’t know if my mind is playing tricks on me but I already feel looser in my pants.

I take 2 tablets with a glass of cold water about 5 minutes before each meals, 3 times a day. I’ve tried to do sensible choices of food but I must say I did not go overboard. And I didn’t exercise as much as I should. So I think Zotrim was responsible of 80% of my weight loss.

What I did tough is make better food choices. For example, I choose to have a side salad instead of a potato. Or if I crave potato, I choose a red variety. Because it’s more tasty than white potato, you don’t need to put greasy fillings or butter on top.

Here is an example of a typical day of my food journal during the week:

Breakfast: Peanut butter and Jelly toasts (2) on whole-wheat bread with a coffee (with Splenda)

Mid-Morning break: A fruit or a yogurt

Lunch: Sandwich with a bottle of water. I love the Subway’s 6mg of fat or less sandwiches. My favorites are roast beef, turkey breast or chicken terriyaki. I ask without cheese and mustard instead of mayo. If I’m really hungry, I add oven-baked chips, carrot and celery sticks or grapes I bring from home. If I feel like giving myself a treat, I may drink a diet cola but I try not to drink sodas every day.

Mid-Afternoon break: I usually crave something sweet at this time of day so I pass very quickly in front of the vending machine to resist the temptation. But I must say that I have less cravings since I’ve started taking Zotrim. I may have a cappuccino with a home-baked muffin or dry cranberries and raisins. Finding sweet things that are not too damaging for the waist line is tricky, but I have find good food choices that I will share with you as we go along with this Zotrim diet blog.

Supper:I usually eat a piece of chicken (about 5 ounces) with a little bit of BBQ sauce to give a little pizzazzz, veggies and brown rice. I used to hate brown rice, but it finally grew on me. It has a little nutty flavor that I now enjoy. I finish my supper with a tea instead of a dessert. It has little or no calorie, it’s comforting and makes you digest better.

Healthy snack in front of the tv: I must admit, I can’t watch my tv series without eating something. Again, I tried to find healthy snacks instead of ice cream or chips. Instead, I have popcorn with no butter, you know the 100 calories pack. It’s not the best popcorn out there but hey…it’s only a few calories. Or I have Edaname. It comes from Japan and it’s soy bean in the pod. It’s delicious and packed with good protein! I buy my Edaname in individual sized portion in the frozen section at my local Costco.

As you can see, I try to eat a little less, but more often during the day. I heard it’s good for people who gets cravings like I do/did.

Take care


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