Zotrim Blog – My Diet Diary

Hello my friends,

I can’t believe it…another 2 days and another pound lost!

I continue to take my Zotrim pills everyday. I’m at 2 pills before each meal for the moment as per the instructions. The notice says to up the amount to 3 pills before each meal 2 weeks into the regime, so next week I will really get the normal dose.

Yesterday night I went to a steak house with a few friends and I got baby back ribs with a salad, dressing on the side…so it’s kind of half-good and half-bad. I’ve been very good the last days so I felt I deserved it 100%

No side effects to report yet. Only a slight headache today but it could be related to something else than the diet pills.

In the past, I did a lot of fad diets. In fact, I don’t think there was ever a diet that I did not try at one point or another.

Before puberty, I was quite a sporty girl but for medical reasons with my bad knee, I had to stop. Since then I have always been overweight and I reached the breaking point of 60 pounds over my normal weight not long ago.

I decided to change my life because I can stand the physical strain, the pain and the depression anymore.

The problem is not the way you lose weight because every method works for a certain period of time. Maintaining your weight once you’re at your goal weight…this is where the real challenge is!

There is no mystery or secret recipe….it’s a combination of sport and nutrition and this is something I will need to keep for the rest of my life…

By looking at the pictures of every products I’ve tried in the past, I realize the money pit diet product can be. It’s easy to convince an overweight person to buy a product when you promise quick results and instant miracle.

I've tried this...

I’ve tried this…

...and this as well

…and this as well

But now I want more than this BS. I’m a food lover and a good person but I snack way too much. Everthing is in excess with me. The worst thing is… I know everything there is to know about good nutrition! I could be a dietitian!

I know how to eat healthy meals and calories have no secret for me. But with age I’m getting more and more lucid. I know I will never be thin as a model. I just want to obtain a weight that will make me feel good about myself. Just a normal gal-next-door. Not the fat freak I am now…

So for the 100th time in my life, I will have to begin to lose weight again. Efforts, efforts and some more efforts every day because my body doesn’t forgive excess!

With my diet pill Zotrim, which I chose because it may be the diet pill with the most compeling clinical data on the market actually, is not about taking another miracle pill. I’m using Zotrim has a diet helper. It will allow me to make the good food choices and to diet without being hungry all the time, like most normal diet do.

I first heard about Zotrim in a UK newspaper. In England, Zotrim is sold everywhere in drugstores and at the supermarket. In Canada, we are not that lucky yet so I bought my pills on the Internet. Zotrim has an official website that you can visit to know more about this weight loss product: Zotrim official website

Hello Ladies,

Almost a week now! Wow that went fast!

Guess the good news… I’m a loser! I’m talking about weight of course 🙂

I lost 3 pounds already in 6 days! I’m over the moon.

I know the first days the pounds go down fast and it may be only water loss but still…I’m very impressed by this product. I don’t know if my mind is playing tricks on me but I already feel looser in my pants.

I take 2 tablets with a glass of cold water about 5 minutes before each meals, 3 times a day. I’ve tried to do sensible choices of food but I must say I did not go overboard. And I didn’t exercise as much as I should. So I think Zotrim was responsible of 80% of my weight loss.

What I did tough is make better food choices. For example, I choose to have a side salad instead of a potato. Or if I crave potato, I choose a red variety. Because it’s more tasty than white potato, you don’t need to put greasy fillings or butter on top.

Here is an example of a typical day of my food journal during the week:

Breakfast: Peanut butter and Jelly toasts (2) on whole-wheat bread with a coffee (with Splenda)

Mid-Morning break: A fruit or a yogurt

Lunch: Sandwich with a bottle of water. I love the Subway’s 6mg of fat or less sandwiches. My favorites are roast beef, turkey breast or chicken terriyaki. I ask without cheese and mustard instead of mayo. If I’m really hungry, I add oven-baked chips, carrot and celery sticks or grapes I bring from home. If I feel like giving myself a treat, I may drink a diet cola but I try not to drink sodas every day.

Mid-Afternoon break: I usually crave something sweet at this time of day so I pass very quickly in front of the vending machine to resist the temptation. But I must say that I have less cravings since I’ve started taking Zotrim. I may have a cappuccino with a home-baked muffin or dry cranberries and raisins. Finding sweet things that are not too damaging for the waist line is tricky, but I have find good food choices that I will share with you as we go along with this Zotrim diet blog.

Supper:I usually eat a piece of chicken (about 5 ounces) with a little bit of BBQ sauce to give a little pizzazzz, veggies and brown rice. I used to hate brown rice, but it finally grew on me. It has a little nutty flavor that I now enjoy. I finish my supper with a tea instead of a dessert. It has little or no calorie, it’s comforting and makes you digest better.

Healthy snack in front of the tv: I must admit, I can’t watch my tv series without eating something. Again, I tried to find healthy snacks instead of ice cream or chips. Instead, I have popcorn with no butter, you know the 100 calories pack. It’s not the best popcorn out there but hey…it’s only a few calories. Or I have Edaname. It comes from Japan and it’s soy bean in the pod. It’s delicious and packed with good protein! I buy my Edaname in individual sized portion in the frozen section at my local Costco.

As you can see, I try to eat a little less, but more often during the day. I heard it’s good for people who gets cravings like I do/did.

Take care


Hello gorgeous,

Exciting news today! I received my Zotrim pills in the mail this morning.

Ordered Zotrim Friday night on July 17th

Received Zotrim Friday morning July 24th

So it took a week with the standard shipping. Not bad at all!

Everything was well packaged in a sturdy box with popcorn chips. Inclosed in the box was a copy of my invoice.

I have nothing bad to say about Customer Service. When you order Zotrim, you get a confirmation email with a number so you can see where your order is. You can also call or write to support. I called them twice already and spoke to Martyn. He has a nice English accent…you’ll love him!

So here are some pictures to show you what the box looks like. Actually, the packaging is very cool. The box is purple and red and the pills are enclosed in a plastic box that you can easily slip in your purse to take on the go.

zotrim-1zotrim-2zotrim-3And a bonus for you, my furry baby getting curious about the weird new thing in the house LOL

zotrim-4So tomorrow I will officially start my Zotrim diet. This time the pounds of fat don’t stand a chance!


Hello lovelies,

I have not started my weight loss journey yet but I’m already feeling more confident! It’s a great feeling. This time I will lose weight, I will be succesfull and I will get help (with Zotrim my natural diet pill). My diet diary blog will also make me stay on target I hope!

I’m sure you can relate, being my actual size makes shopping a living hell! I’m lucky if “normal size clothes” go up to size 16 and the plus-size clothes make me look like I’m wearing a parachute!!!

So I have to be on the lookout and surf the net for nice clothes. I’m seeing some improvements already with the available selection of clothes for people my size. It’s true, North-America population is getting fatter and fatter. So we are less and less frown on because being overweight is becoming like the norm nowadays.

I still can find clothes take are more or less “fashionable” but I can’t wait to shop and buy clothes on sale like everybody else and try clothes before getting the credit card out. I’m eager to shop with my friends (and not only be in charge of holding the hangers!). I can’t stand the stares I’m getting from other clients sometimes. It makes me feel ashamed and I wish I could be different.

I think being “normal-weight” will boost my confidence. I will be able to do social things like go to parties, to the beach, to the pool without being sneered at.

With Affection,
Katie xx


Hello everybody,

My name is Katie Bailey and I’m 29 years old from beautiful Canada.

I’m writing this Zotrim blog as my diet diary. Zotrim is a diet pill that will help me (I hope!) lose the extra pounds that are ruining my life. I wish to use this blog as a way to keep me on track with my diet. I hope you can also benefit from my story. Feel free to write comments on my blog. That way we can all support each other.

So that’s the damage so far:

29 years old… 10 of those on a diet. Results? I’m 60 pounds overweight. It can’t go on like this forever. More than my look, this extra weight is beginning to take its toll on my health as well. I’m always out of breath, I have back pain, my knees crack all the time, I’m always sweating and I have many more other weight-related inconveniences. My life is hell at the moment.

I have reduced my social life to a minimum because I’m ashamed and disgusted by my own body. When I go outside, people look at the fat lady that I’ve become but I know I am much more than my image. I don’t recognize myself anymore. This is not me! I can’t take this anymore :~(

I want to take charge of my life and my weight. I am giving myself objectives. Now all I have to do is get organized.

I have ordered a 2 months supply of Zotrim to give my diet a boost and to speed up my weight-loss. I will begin my weight loss journey as soon as I get my diet pills.

Wish me luck!

Take care,


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